Why stopping whispers from lvl 1s won't work

#0 - April 26, 2007, 8:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
A common suggestion for reducing gold spam is to to prevent low level characters from being able to whisper people, which sounds good at first as most gold-advert whispers come from level 1 characters called "kjsahfjah" and "fgfdfgdfd".

The idea is that only characters of (for example) level 10 and above are allowed to whisper people, meaning that the gold sellers can't just create a new character and immediately start advertising with it.

But think about what you would do if you ran a gold-selling company and this restriction came in. Would you give up? No, you would use your bot software (gold sellers usually also provide botting services as well) to continually level characters up to 10 and then spam from them.

It wouldn't stop the problem, and would possibly just make it worse, as all the newbie zones would constantly have low-level bots killing boars as they get up to 10, spam adverts, get deleted and start again.

It's bad enough fighting against bots for the owlbeasts in Winterspring, it would be a disaster if every newbie had to compete with a dozen bots in the level 1-10 starting zones.
#1 - April 26, 2007, 9:04 a.m.
Blizzard Post
You're still drafting your suggestion what would work then?
#5 - April 26, 2007, 9:08 a.m.
Blizzard Post
So many suggestions have been made, but in the end many of them would turn this into a non-MMO and in stead make WoW a "play only with the people I know and ignore the rest of the players" scenario.
Where do we draw the line? You may only make a new character if you have a friend who already plays. If you don't know anyone, you're not allowed to whisper.

Don't get me wrong, keep the suggestions coming, there are some gems still out there, I'm sure :)