Must-know's for PvP.

#0 - Jan. 19, 2010, 6 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I'll start with mine:

-Healing over Time (HoT) takes alot of mana, switching targets alot will make healing hard!

-Fake-casting can prevent you from being interrupted or silenced!

-Gear matters, equip yourself befor entering arena.

-Gear does not equal skill.

-You gain arena points from any arena bracket if you play 10 games, even on 0 rating or 10 loss - 0 win.

-Asking for suggestions, making a mistake or having low ratings do not make you a 'noob'.

-For spammable Crowd Control (CC)(Cyclone, Polymorph, Stuns, Fear, Charm, ...), the rule of Dimishing Returns (DR) pops in, if the CC with the same school of spells, has a shorter cooldown then 15sec, it will be halved unless you wait 15sec between every CC.

-Peeling players" or playing defensively to help your healers stay alive wins many games.

-"Backpeddling" decreases your movement speed, strafing is the best way to move in-game as you can still block / parry / dodge, while strafing and still go on 100% movement speed.

-As a Rogue, don't press your kidneyshot every time the cooldown is up, but use it when you need pressure.

-Paladin tip: use Hand of Freedom on Kidney Shot, as using it on other stuns will be a waste as they can re-stun you again.

-If you are melee, be careful to follow the opponent healer around a pillar. You will get out of line of sight from your healer.

-Line of sight can be helpful but also harmfull.

-Knowing where your allies are is sometimes more important than knowing where the enemy is.

-Knowing what other classes abilities are comes hand in hand with knowing your own in PVP.

-If your partner gets feared against a priest team with a rogue - buff him with either commanding, might, or anything else to keep him in combat to prevent him from getting sapped.

-Keybindings keep your eyes on the screen instead of on the spells, and improves your reaction time.

-Rogue tip: Glyph of Cloak of Shadows is a really great Major Glyph for both Arena, BGs and Duel. It gives you -40% physical damage taken during your CoS.

-Voice communication improves coordination in either CC or support.

-sometimes you may get a kill by quickly changing target if the enemy healer is not ready for it

-set focus (target and /focus) on an enemy player to see his health and cast bar, you can also make macros for casting on your focus target without changing your current target. /cast [target=focus] spellname

-positioning is important. generally avoid standing in the open as a healer and dont run too far from your team mates as a melee

Add yours! :)

PS: Can someone clarify the DR thingy, my English is not good enough to make it understandable.
#16 - Jan. 19, 2010, 8:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This thread is a nice little initiative, so here's a blue tag in hopes of some visibility and participation. Also, some of the nonsense posts have been cleared out of this thread so please keep it on topic and relevant.

I'll contribute to this thread while I'm here.

"Peeling players" or playing defensively to help your healers stay alive wins many games.