Loaded Dice: New Outlaw Gold feedback

#1 - Jan. 23, 2017, 6:03 a.m.
Blizzard Post
So I like the concept of guaranteeing a good roll with AR. However, I don't think the current iteration (single use of AR grants a single two-buff) will ever end up making a difference really.

You already RTB prior to the pull and if you get a decent set of buffs, you're not going to reroll it just because you get a free two-fer. This ability needs to be a bit stronger or more flexible. It should allow for ALL rolls during AR to be two-buffs, or guarantee a single three-buff (I'd personally prefer a free 3-buff as this would feel extremely significant and beneficial).

As it is now, it's going to be extremely marginal in everyday play and will frequently just not get used. If you're mid-fight and AR comes up, you just aren't rolling away from what you have because of the proc. Good concept for consistency but this isn't as juicy as it sounds if you really think about how rarely you'd end up benefiting from it. It basically just adds a soft floor for the DPS, not any kind of top-end gain.
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#4 - Jan. 23, 2017, 11:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
It should be a DPS gain even for players who are optimizing well, because you will lose fewer Combo Points to rerolling Roll the Bones (and thereby gain Run Through damage).

We will monitor the tuning as always, but it seems likely that a guaranteed triple buff would be a lot stronger than it initially appears. If you know that a particular roll is going to be a triple, then you can make sure to set up a 54 second duration on it. And given the frequency of Adrenaline Rush, that would be a very high uptime on a guaranteed triple buff. True Bearing uptime would go way up due to this, which adds many Adrenaline Rushes to the rotation on average. That positive feedback loop on Outlaw is rather powerful, and we have to watch for it when setting up this trait, but will continue to keep an eye on how it's borne out when testing begins.
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#6 - Jan. 24, 2017, 12:06 a.m.
Blizzard Post
01/23/2017 03:58 PMPosted by Noobles
Does it do anything for slice n dice.
If not, it makes the talent obsolete, you don't want a golden trait to be useless.

The plan is to buff Slice and Dice somehow. As with existing traits, as the 7.2 traits progress along we will look at how they have to interact with replacement talents.
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#75 - Feb. 26, 2017, 7:10 a.m.
Blizzard Post
02/23/2017 10:06 AMPosted by Shortcut
Sigma already said they will make Loaded Dice give Slice and Dice some sort of buff, we have it in writing. :)

This should be in the next PTR build.