What was the response Ornyx?

#1 - Oct. 12, 2016, 9:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post
You said you passed along sentiment regarding Fury Warriors, Ele Shamans, and all DK specs 2 weeks ago. How did the Dev team respond? What have they said about them?
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#7 - Oct. 12, 2016, 10:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I did send feedback over, but did not receive anything that I can share with you guys directly at this time.

Most upcoming tuning is slated to be with 7.1.
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#31 - Oct. 12, 2016, 10:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
10/12/2016 03:29 PMPosted by Usedgoods
10/12/2016 03:16 PMPosted by Ornyx
I did send feedback over, but did not receive anything that I can share with you guys directly at this time.

Most upcoming tuning is slated to be with 7.1.

"I left your feedback in the "in-tray" of the development team after my post lunch dump and haven't followed them up or heard anything back"

Thanks for the lovely thoughts and such, but literally just had a conversation with Celestalon and Lore on this. The development team is very aware of the state of balance at the moment.

10/12/2016 03:38 PMPosted by Bogrum
Ornyx: So, I have feedback on some of the underperforming specs...

Celestalon: What?

Ornyx: Uh....feedback from players about specs...

Celestalon:*Walks over, performs a Stone Cold Stunner on Ornyx, climbs on an interns desk and drinks a can of Red Bull before almost knocking himself out trying to crush the empty can on his forehead* Thanks for the feedback, give the forum scrubs my reply. Nerd.

This is almost exactly how my conversations with him go, tbh.

I say almost because I'm sure you can come up with a more fitting scenario for Celestalon, possibly including a rave, hair dye, and stars.
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#48 - Oct. 12, 2016, 11:06 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I appreciate that you are trying to ease some of the pressure that General is putting on you guys, but some extra transparency is due from the devs themselves. Doesn't have to be a new post every day, but an occasional post from Celestalon or Lore on planned changes for the next patch or hotfix would be a welcome sight for the sore eyes of the playerbase.

Yes, people will whine and moan, that is expected with any semblance of change in this game, but an answer that proves that our feedback is at least getting some attention is all that we need to settle down. Even if it's a negative answer, it is still one and it should suffice.

Transparency, that is what I feel the WoW team truly lacks towards the playerbase

FWIW, we have been posting occasional updates on changes that are coming, and we are just now on the back end of a larger round of tuning from a couple of weeks ago. Every week I am posting updates on the status of tuning for multiple classes - sometimes its not super specific, but its an update at least.

Some posters block out everything that isn't about them, but we don't always have something to share about every class/spec.