More Account Wide Content please

#1 - Sept. 6, 2016, 2:39 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Achievements, reputation and more importantly, ARTIFACT KNOWLEDGE. Seriously, do i have to grind EVERY WEAPON on EVERY CLASS just to play them correctly ? do i have to be a no-life just to enjoy the classes and specs i like to play ? this needs to be fixed ASAP, specially if people want to change their mains.
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#1 - Oct. 6, 2016, 10:08 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Please see source post at for detail.
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Community Manager
#52 - Oct. 6, 2016, 8:52 a.m.
Blizzard Post
While we won't be making reputation account wide, we are going to introduce a few changes in Patch 7.1 that should ease the process of unlocking max level content on alts.

The following changes are going to be made:

Court of Stars and Arcway will be unlocked account-wide
Pre-requisite: Once you've completed one of those dungeons on any character, that dungeon will be unlocked account-wide for all level 110 characters on the account. This unlock must be done separately for each dungeon (i.e. finishing Arcway won't unlock Court of Stars).

World Quests will not require reputations to unlock on separate characters
Once you've unlocked World Quests on one character, other level 110 characters on your account will no longer need to unlock them. Instead, they will receive a different quest to visit Khadgar which will immediately grant the Flight Master's Whistle and unlock World Quests.