Legion Single player or MMO?

#1 - Sept. 1, 2016, 4:50 p.m.
Blizzard Post
In the build up to Legion's release I've loved being part of the invasions, being part of something big with everyone contributing to the effort. Much like the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj and the Isle of Quel'danas it made me feel as though I was part of the world and not the special snowflake that started somewhat with Cata and continued into Pandaria, WOD and now Legion want me to be.

There's a real dichotomy here and while I enjoy the storytelling mechanics that have evolved from Cata, I again am feeling less like part of a multiplayer world event and more like I'm in a single player game which in terms immersion gets broken as soon as you see every other player who is also supreme commander of the Horde or Alliance with their own special snowflake weapon.

So I'm wondering where other players stand on this issue, do you find the single player narrative immersion breaking and would you rather be part of the world rather than the focus of it.

Just curious. :)
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#1 - Sept. 1, 2016, 6:17 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please see source post at http://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17613272666?page=3 for detail.
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#4 - Sept. 1, 2016, 5:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
One of my (personal) favourite things about Legion is that so much of the experience can naturally be shared with other players now.

For example, mobs are faction-tapped now, so if you're out questing and you see someone who's pulled a bit too much and is struggling - you can jump in and help and you'll also get EXP and loot. Likewise if you see some players taking on an elite, you can jump right in and assist them, no need to be in a party anymore.

Gathering nodes are personal, so there's no need for people to be "that guy" who waits for someone to pull the mobs around the node, before running in and harvesting the node. Now you can help each other and both get the node.

Admittedly these might not be as grand in scale as invasions (for example), but they're still nice little changes that hopefully encourage more spontaneous playing together while out in the Broken Isles.