So are you ready for Launch????

#1 - Aug. 29, 2016, 7:30 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I SURE AS HELL AM..... on my way out to get the last items I need for tonight's nolyfe streak of non stop gaming.
This time is my favorite time in the gaming world, when a new expansion comes out and long lost warriors is returning from being gone so long to help out defeat the legion and once again protect Azeroth from a certain doom.


TLDR; Too much caffeine for this guy
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#32 - Aug. 29, 2016, 2:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
29/08/2016 11:46Posted by Talnar
29/08/2016 09:00Posted by Florina
May I ask what items you are gathering to prepare yourself?


12 1/2 L cans of vitamin water, C,D,B6,B12 etc. This will prevent me from getting sleepy and keep me fresh.

An unknown number of cans of cola zero, ice tea peach and coffee on deck.

I've prepared 4 dinners yesterday, so I can just heat it in the microwave ready to eat. I also got a few other small, light meals which will keep me full enough.

My meal sizes are max 200g each and around 300 calories. I will eat something every 1 hour 30 mins. I do this too avoid getting tired from the body processing so much food.
I will drink a lot of regular water to help digest food more easily which in turn will drain less energy.

Now I'm a bit of an extremist when I decide to do stuff like this, I hardly doubt a young guy in his late teens early 20s will struggle to stay awake for a while without doing much. But us guys in our early 30s need to prepare :)

Pardon any grammar fails but I've been up for 36 hours and are about too go to sleep to be ready for launch :)

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