Did you get banned??

#0 - May 9, 2007, 1:55 p.m.
Blizzard Post
If you got banned during what can only be described as a catastrophic flare up in tensions between Blizzard and their customers on the date of 5/8/07 speak up with what you were banned with and if you actually did it.

3 Hour temp ban for
"Trolling and Spamming"

Wasn't doing either, posted a couple threads mostly tyring to get Tseric to make some kind of statement. Which by the way, he ended up doing.

Yet I get banned for suggesting "something he was planning on posting but didn't have a conclusion for"
Oh and no I don't believe thats a direct quote so Tseric keep the inflammatory remarks to yourself.

Whatever, let the posts begin.
#32 - May 9, 2007, 7:21 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please refer to the Code of Conduct and the forum guidelines. Your actions in this thread seem to indicate you are not familiar with the rules as they have been established for some time.

Of particular note:

In addition, there is a cool down period we institute during times of high forum traffic. If you are violating policy during one of these times due to frustration, you will be given a three-hour cool down suspension. This does not get logged on your record and is simply in place to keep the forums readable and civil. Serious violations will still have the appropriate action taken against them as documented in the Code of Conduct, and we do keep track of these cool down periods separately -- if one is found to be repeatedly violating policy, appropriate action will be taken.