WSG Flag buff should = Judgment of Justice

#0 - Feb. 8, 2008, 9:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
While Carrying the flags in Warsong Gulch you should not be able to use any ability which enhance your character's default speed. Go ahead and flame because I'm an engineer, but if you really want to level the playing field you would implement this. Maybe then the team with the most druids wouldn't decide the outcome of battle.
#47 - Feb. 8, 2008, 9:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
There are some changes coming to WSG in patch 2.4. The patch will be on the PTR very soon. Please be sure to check out Warsong once the PTR is up.

Our goal is to keep the gameplay very similar while breaking turtle-stalemates and excessive flag kiting.