The Nation of Warcraft

#0 - March 12, 2010, 5:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I often sit in my cubicle and wonder what the World of Warcraft population would be like if we all occupied a relatively close geographic location. What would the "Nation of Warcraft" really be like? Certainly there are those who would be dissidents, but my guess is we would be a nation of merit. Our population seems to be most interested in merit and accomplishment.Which leads me to wonder about what kind of exterior devices would we, as a collective, come up with to share our achievements in the virtual world, with the real world? Would there be a "RL" gearscore? What mods could such clever and talented people come up with that would apply to real world situations? What inspirations from in-game would we bring with us to our daily lives and communities? How different would your world be if every person you interacted with knew exactly what UBRS, BT and ICC are?

Ah well, just food for thought.
#33 - March 12, 2010, 6:07 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:


Now, would income be based off of your in-game proclivities or would it be based off of some other system? I mean if we could re-write all the rules... how would we do it? How would you do it? would we make income a hidden number based off of your skill rating as determined by a group of your peers?
#54 - March 12, 2010, 6:21 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

I'm sure that someone would implement a random movie and a burger finder. Using it would also give you a 5 gold discount (because I'm pretty sure we wouldn't stick with the US dollar) and 2 emblems to use in your next car purchase.
#77 - March 12, 2010, 6:32 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I can imagine that the murder rate would sky rocket within a week because of ganking.

Wouldn't the majority of conflict take place in the game itself? It thus follows that the murder rate would drop accordingly. If people were being ganked on a PvE realm, they would simply alert the local authorities and a sanction would be placed on those in violation of the policy.
#145 - March 12, 2010, 9:18 a.m.
Blizzard Post
What's interesting is when 25,000 of us get together, It doesn't seem to add up to the smelly, seamy, dystopia that many here suggest would be the apparent outcome. Quite the contrary, it's often a rip-roaring good time where people meet folks from their realm, horde and alliance, and bond over their experiences. Without the anonymity of the interface, most people seem to be genial, kind, good-natured individuals who enjoy the company of fellow gamers. While this wasn't unexpected, I was somewhat surprised to see how little normal social lines meant amongst them. People from every walk of life, cheerleaders, businessmen, world-famous comic book artists and everyone in-between mingled without so much as a snide glance. Conversations focused on the common ground betwixt the parties and then to more personal topics. It was all very interesting to observe and it started this thought rumbling around in my titanium cranium.

So you see, from my observation of a sample size of roughly 25,000 individuals (while small and skewed), the outcome seemed promising in regard to the population as a whole.

Interesting that so many people instantly apply negative stereotypes to their fellow gamers and ignore the diversity and complexity that makes up a playerbase as vast as eleven million is apt to be.
#204 - March 12, 2010, 4:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Contrary to many comments here, there are far more females playing than you know. I certainly don't join every group and say, "BTW, I'm a female irl too." It just doesn't matter. The numbers are closer than you think. But, we're a bit like ninjas. You all seem to have a hard time finding us and we sort of like being left alone in the shadows to do our thing. Ya know what I'm sayin'?