I cant be bothered anymore?

#1 - Sept. 6, 2011, 11:23 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I have had it with dying through BG's just to earn a few honor points per match. People complain when other players afk it out but fail to take the big gear gap into account. Its no fun joining up only to be utterly crushed all the time by those who are already well ahead gearwise.

Next time you see an afker in a bg, have a heart.
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#4 - Sept. 6, 2011, 11:30 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Next time I'll see you in a battleground I'll make sure to AFK report you.

I have to agree. Going AFK in BGs hampers the rest of your team, lessening their game experience and increasing the chance your team will lose = less honor points for you.

Yes, it's always challenging starting on the bottom rung of the PvP ladder, but playing your character, learning the skills and those of others, is the best way to improve. If you don't fancy getting slaughtered over and over, group up with guildies or friends and coordinate a little. You'd be surprised how far a little team work goes in BGs.
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#23 - Jan. 1, 1970, midnight
Blizzard Post
06/09/2011 14:05Pubblicato da Konstantine
RUN 3Dmark: dopo 15 secondi di inizio test , si è femrato tutto e il programma ha presentato il seguente messaggio:"IDIRECT3DDEVICE9: PRESENTFAILED:DEVICE LOST ( D3DERR_DEVICELOST) e subito dopo la solita notifica che il driver ha smesso di funzionare ed è stato ripristinato correttamente..

Direi che la scheda video è difettosa, oppure i driver non sono installati correttamente e/o l'alimentatore non è sufficientemente potente.