Just became able to install Legion Alpha

#1 - May 11, 2016, 7:50 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey all, if you just noticed you can install Legion Alpha then yes you can celebrate, you are one of the new invites to Beta! Don't worry that servers are down, they will be up again 2pm Thursday. Hope to see you all then and grats!
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Game Producer
#186 - May 12, 2016, 5:42 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Cross posting from similar thread...

Hey all,

First off, welcome aboard! Happy to have all the new invitees for tomorrow and in the weeks ahead!

Sorry about the confusion with it showing up in your launcher but not having the email yet. Emails are going out in batches now (I just got mine) but the account flagging is done separately and a bit ahead of the emails.

Tomorrow is an exciting day, getting to share Legion with so many more people. That said, please remember that as Ion said a huge value for us tomorrow is simulating that day one surge of players funneling into the expansion. That is to say, a very real part of this test is how our content and servers handle this surge of people in a few locations. Even if there are issues, know that highlighting those issues now is very important and useful to Legion's development!

So if you crash the servers or break content in new and unique ways please take pride in that and we'll fix the issues as fast as we can. :)

See you in Azeroth!