PSA: If the hunter pet is low...

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#1 - March 9, 2015, 9:57 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Edit: Adding something quickly. This post was simply to highlight a way to deal with a known bug until it was fixed. Simply trying to relay a message. I'm not sure why some hate has been directed my way for it. I was not dismissing the bug or saying it was something "so easy" to deal with. only wanted to give a recommendation on how to combat the issue against hunters who felt the need to use it.

- - - -

Kill it.

I'm sure most of those reading today have already synthesized this information, but!... If the match starts out and the hunter doesn't have a pet out, and then summons it and it's low, swap to it and kill it.

It's going to have about 80-100k health, but your efforts will be rewarded. This by no means gets rid of the issue, but it does mean if you see a red pet running around with 20% health, you would be wise to swap to it and dispatch it.

Hopefully the bug is fixed soon, would suggest opening tickets as you encounter the issue. there is plenty to complain about atm, but this explains at least some of the absurdity that's been happening in respect to damage.
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#19 - March 11, 2015, 9:35 p.m.
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We've just pushed a hotfix that reduces the Cornered damage increase from 50% to 20%. It'll still probably be wise to kill Hunter pets at low HP, but that should make the strategy of purposefully summoning a pet at low health significantly less effective.
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#31 - March 11, 2015, 9:43 p.m.
Blizzard Post
03/11/2015 02:39 PMPosted by Nyz
20% is still more than 0.

So they're still going to do it.

Sure, but it's a much more dangerous tradeoff considering how quickly a low-HP Hunter pet can be killed. There's significantly less reward for the risk.