Follower Bonus Lowered?

#1 - Feb. 24, 2015, 10:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I have lvl 100 followers in my proffesion buildings, and normally (before today) i would get plus 1 for every order finished!

ex~5 orders would yeild 10 (plus 1 per item)

today when i collected my tannery order of which 4 were completed, i only got 6 burnished leathers instead of 8!

Is this intentional, a bug, or something else?

or did i simply miss this while reading the patch notes?
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#2 - Feb. 24, 2015, 10:54 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Is your Follower assigned to the building for each work order as it's completed? We closed a loophole that would allow you to assign a Follower to a building right before collecting the work orders, and gain all the bonus even though they weren't assigned to the building the whole time. The intended functionality (and the one active in 6.1) is that the Follower needs to be assigned to the building as each work order completion ticks for their bonus to be applied.