Dont just recycle old raids

#0 - Aug. 17, 2009, 3:36 p.m.
Blizzard Post
They are fun due of NOSTALGIA! yes i admit it i made a classic char due of nostalgia and i enjoy it but if the old instances suddenly becomes recyckled they most likely will become dull and boring just because you will be farming them over and over again! back in pre tbc i got bored of MC but now i enjoy it for nostalgia!

NO MORE OLD RAIDS MADE FOR MAX LEVEL! >.> you ruined naxx alredy! who enjoys naxx anymore eh?!

onyxia will be reduced to some poor badge farm boss ;(
#2 - Aug. 17, 2009, 6:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Onyxia as she stands right now is little more than a mob that drops a tidy sum of gold. Bringing her back to a new level of awesome will serve to entertain and bring nostalgia back to the players that have been with us since the cap was 60, and also bring the original experience to players who joined the realms more recently.

[Added:] Naxxramas was seen by so few people back in vanilla. Bringing this back was to make use of simply amazing art and boss concepts that were used there. If you did not enjoy Naxx the first time you went (be it at 60 or 80), then that is certainly a shame, it is an amazing place to hang out. It continues to be a great place for a wide range of people now, so bringing Naxxramas back to life for more to see was no mistake, and Onyxia will bring people of old a trip down memory lane, as well as bringing people who joined the fold more recently a cool experience with a well known raid boss.