If you are missing garrison campaign quests..

#1 - Jan. 10, 2015, 10:36 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I FINALLY found the reason why I was not getting any campaign quests. After days of trying to figure out why and not being able to find a solution on the forums a light bulb appeared over my head lol.
I went to all of the garrison campaign quest areas and looked for yellow exclamation points and found one on Darktide Roost which lead to the completion of the garrison campaign quest . I was questing there at some point not realizing that it was part of a campaign quest and had stopped doing them in the middle of a quest chain.
After completion I hearthed back to my garrison and found a NEW garrison campaign quest. YAY
I would suggest that anyone having this issue to go looking like I did. Hopefully you'll find the missing link. :D
Happy Hunting!
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#2 - Jan. 13, 2015, 10:30 p.m.
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Thanks for the tip! If anyone else has found they haven't been able to progress their Garrison Campaign story line from week to week, or don't believe they ever started one, please provide more info and we can try to help. Checking the campaign locations may reveal an unknowingly skipped step as these campaign chapters also include an "Assault" bar, they can sometimes be mistaken as only being an Assault on the location.
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#4 - Jan. 13, 2015, 10:44 p.m.
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01/13/2015 02:33 PMPosted by Jernaitia
Wait there garrison campaigns? How i miss that and whee you start at? I hear about invasion and figure i did something wrong. But it seem so trivial and now i want to try.

It's a weekly campaign that unlocks over time and is intended to continue throughout future updates, not too dissimilar to the 5.1: Landfall content, but this is a bigger and more sweeping story that send you out to the various level 100 areas across Draenor. The first 8 weeks offer quests somewhat randomly, and then the four after those are a set story progression, to be continued in future patch releases.
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#10 - Jan. 13, 2015, 10:52 p.m.
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01/13/2015 02:44 PMPosted by Flìp

assault on the broken precipice
challenge at the ring of blood

never has spawned in the daily....when will i get to complete securing draenor?

Assaults are random and not directly related to the subject of this thread, which is the Garrison story/campaign quests.
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#40 - Jan. 14, 2015, 12:36 a.m.
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01/13/2015 04:14 PMPosted by Rumzlug
Bashiok, Can you let us know whats being done about the Garrison campaign involving Orlana Strongbow in the spirit realm in frostfire? There are multiple threads about this and it seems a lot of people are stuck on this quest. The problem is that you complete one quest and the NPC (Orlana) is no where to be found to start the next part of the quest (Soulgrinder Survivor). I have a current ticket open for this and 2 of the GM's replied with "Go look at wowhead". This causes a major issue because you cannot finish the campaign and you also cannot get any new missions. I have been stuck like this for over 2 weeks. Others have been stuck for over a month now,

Appears it is a known bug in-progress to being fixed. Can't tell if it's set for a hotfix or requires a client patch, but I can look into it.
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#202 - Jan. 15, 2015, 7:48 p.m.
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Crithto has been keeping on top of some of the current Garrison campaign/story quest issues and fixes that are in the works here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15700585286#5

Recommend heading over there to follow along.