How are you adjusting to the combo point?

#1 - Dec. 8, 2014, 4:53 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I received one today and couldn't decide whether to use Tricks of the trade or Pick Lock.
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#21 - Dec. 8, 2014, 5:29 p.m.
Blizzard Post
12/07/2014 08:53 PMPosted by Classact
I received one today and couldn't decide whether to use Trrcks of the trade or Pick Lock.

Pick Pocket is actually probably your best bet, unless you glyph into Detection, because swirly ball.

Alright, so - if you've ever been in an interview, whether it's for a job or in a public setting like the one Kris and I did yesterday, you probably have had those moments where you say something and then think, "Hmm, that didn't really come out right." In general, "still adapting to changes" is a valid possibility when we see underperformance from a given class or spec in a new expansion. But yes, in this case the 6.0 change to combo points is generally a quality-of-life improvement and I wouldn't expect it's at all been hindering any expert players of the class.

The question presented by the Final Boss hosts was more or less, "How are you feeling about rogue performance?" And I do stand by our answer that overall we're pretty satisfied with what we're seeing, in Highmaul at least. (Remember, the podcast is a raiding show, and we weren't talking about PvP balance or other areas of the game.) But in Highmaul, we're seeing a fairly even split in representation among all three specs, with Subtlety pulling some very strong single-target numbers, Combat excelling at cleave, and Assassination being more of an all-around spec (if any spec could use a little boost, it's probably Assassination right now, especially in the area of AoE).

If you watched the whole show (as well as the earlier Convert to Raid podcast), there was some discussion of what makes feedback or criticism constructive. Our position was that all feedback is meaningful, but what we like the most is feedback that is specific and actionable. So if you're unhappy with elements of how the rogue class is playing right now, or you feel we're overlooking some important data with respect to our assessment of current rogue performance, please let us know.