More Causes High Threat abilities? (reverted)

#0 - Sept. 11, 2009, 3:58 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Latest PTR Patch notes update:

Q u o t e:

* Hammer of the Righteous: The damage from this ability is now considered physical instead of Holy. The threat generated by the ability has been increased such that it will continue to do approximately the same threat it did when it was Holy damage.

I must admit that I'm a bit confused and am trying to figure this one out. I thought you guys didn't like "causes high threat" abilities. I realize that if you wanted this to be physical then either the damage or the threat would need to be buffed of the resulting attack. More damage would just emphasize further damage differences, and more threat would achieve the correct result not breaking damage records.

My guess is that its an attempt to balance Paladin abilities so that they aren't all Holy damage and ignore armour. We'll need to care more about armour reducing abilities being up on bosses from now on in that case.

Totally workable, just trying to figure out another "causes high threat" update being applied.

[edit: updated subject because people are just going to the end and posting "oh noes" when it has been reverted and has been posted as reverted far too many times. WTB: autoresponder]
#22 - Sept. 11, 2009, 5:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
High threat abilities are always going to be part of the game for the simple reason that we don't want tanks to do as much damage as dps specs, but they need to generate more threat than the dps specs.

It only gets to be a problem when those abilities don't scale with gear or the tank spec is so woeful at dps that it's impossible to solo or contribute meaningfully when not tanking.

In this case, the loss of threat from switching from Holy to physical damage necessitated adding additional threat.

Having said all that, we don't have a lot of confidence that this change will actually go live, so I wouldn't freak out just yet.