Finding the right raid team?

#1 - July 3, 2013, 5:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
So im a family man and play wow regular but work shifts and this can be akward, im trying to find a raid team that will be flexible but that does not seem to exist on my server, i was wondering if there where others out there like myself and if they managed to solve the problem and if there is any advice they could offer?

I love to raid and havent done alot of it this expansion, its spoiling the game for me as it stands LFR is not enough for me
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#2 - July 3, 2013, 2:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hi there Kerzen,
I hope you’ll be able to find what you are looking for, in any case here’s a really cool site that might help you run cross-realm enabled raids and other events:

I would also like to point out that we’re planning to introduce something called Flexible Raiding with our next patch (5.4), which will allow you to enter a raid that adapts and scales itself to the numbers of players in the raid group.
The group can consist of anything between 10 to 25 players and it will let you queue to the latest raids, it’s also cross-realm enabled, which means it will be much easier to find groups on sites like Open Raid using this system.

You can find our blog article about it right here: