Theorycrafting: Beta confirmed

#1 - June 20, 2013, 12:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
To not be Friday
#5 - June 20, 2013, 6:03 p.m.
Blizzard Post
So as to clarify as Twitter only allows 140 characters or less.

There is a lot of work being done behind scenes. We're all marching forward but want to ensure the best experience possible when it comes to closed beta and launch. Now I never said how far away the announcement of beta would be, nor did I infer it is either near nor "not even close".

Zeriyah just posted an awesome blog about crafting, this is what I was talking about. See how it's not Friday? I know you're all very anxious, as are we, and I know all of our communication will be dissected. But, nothing good will come of theory crafting. ;)
#11 - June 20, 2013, 6:25 p.m.
Blizzard Post
So now we have a thread titled Beta Confirmed with a blue tag on it.

Shutdown inc!

imao... ;)),

Fixed! ;P
#25 - June 21, 2013, 5:39 p.m.
Blizzard Post
phenteo likes to set you up just to
knock-a knock-a knock-a you down.