It seems my troll likes his new armor?

#1 - March 19, 2013, 2:36 p.m.
Blizzard Post
All i can say blizz.. is i did not expect my characters to have that much acctual personality


I don't really know what to say... only thing i can say is that just like doggs, it seems like my characters are starting to behave like me?

-edit don't mind the red box on the right... i thought i filled it up.. seems i didn't...
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Customer Service
#2 - March 19, 2013, 2:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey Karudo,
As much as we're all happy to see your Troll loves his armor I've had to remove the link. You can report any graphical bugs though the help menu in-game though.
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Customer Service
#4 - March 19, 2013, 2:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
It's OK, we just have some sensitive little folks around that it may not be appropriate for and yeah you can still go ahead and report it in-game.