LFR with heroic gear...

#1 - Nov. 9, 2012, 3:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This has been getting on my nerves now for a while...
I was in LFR this afternoon and there were at least 3 people, decked out with heroic gear, going twice as much damage than anyone else.

Its not the damage that really concerns me but the attitude of them players, and the fact they are in LFR with 500+ item level... I mean, come on?

What is the point of rolling a heroic geared character in LFR if you are simply there just to show to everyone else that your guild has got you some fancy new armour? Some of us don't have that privilege and don't need you guys showing us up. We are there to learn and to gear, not to be shown what you can do with shiny gear...

So I suggest a gear cap, a PvE Gear cap on LFR. If you have PvP gear, it doesn't count towards the cap, that can be shown by the PvP power/resiliance on it, as all PvP gear has one/both of them stats. If you have PvE gear though, you shouldn't be allowed to join LFR if you have higher item level than the gear you could obtain from the Raid itself.

To me, it just seems stupid that higher geared people like that join a LFR instance, just to show off. Go to dungons or run other raids with your guild and compete on your own level, No need to brag to us.

P.S. This is a rant yes, and honestly I'm not jealous of those with Heroic gear because I like to take this game at my own pace. I don't see the point in running endless days trying to be realms first. You get an achievement, then what? There is nothing else to aim for. You get full gear then you don't have anything else to do really. Sit back, Enjoy the game a little more and you might actually catch something you missed before. Instead of rushing full speed ahead on a quest to become the most geared toon first.
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#64 - Feb. 22, 2013, 10:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
09/11/2012 15:45Posted by Gastrix
To me, it just seems stupid that higher geared people like that join a LFR instance, just to show off. Go to dungons or run other raids with your guild and compete on your own level, No need to brag to us.

They don't necessarily are there just to "show off". Players with higher item level than that of LFR items can be there for a myriad of reasons:

-Testing off-specs or new talents in a "safe" environment.
-Capping their Valor Points for the week.
-Testing different reforging, proc enchants...

There're definitely good reasons why people with HC gear can show up on LFR :-)