Hunters gor NERFED

#0 - Oct. 20, 2010, 4:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I used to enjoy playing my hunter and worked very hard to get better gear and was finally pulling over 10k dps in ICC raids...Now with the patch and going to focus I find I can barely break 6k and am at the bottom of the DPS bracket. and for those idiots who are going to chime in with.."you're not playing right" are all wrong. I know how to play a hunter very well but unless you are one and have played as long and as hard as I have then stfu. The FOCUS is a joke. and for SS to be the ONLY way to regen it is sad. Now, if they made it less than a 1 sec cast it wouldmn't be bad. However. The shots take too much focus to be consistant and the regen isnt enough to allow us to sustain a dps rating and this needs to be addressed. I erge Blizzrd to do some long hard thinking... we are NOT huntards and we need our DPS re-instated!
#3 - Oct. 20, 2010, 4:15 a.m.
Blizzard Post
We just applied a buff to hunters this afternoon: