Undermine Journal in Violation of API Policy

#1 - Jan. 12, 2012, 4:10 p.m.
Blizzard Post

The undermine journal (http://theunderminejournal.com) is in violation of the API usage agreements for two reasons.

1. They refuse to expose the code related to the usage of the API. This is required as part of the usage policy.

2. They charge a fee for events notifications (sellers and market status). This is forbidden as part of the usage policy.

It is my hope that Blizzard contacts the undermine journal and brings their conduct in line with the requirements so that everyone can enjoy the environment they have created for free, as well as learning a thing or two about using the API.
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Web & Mobile Team
#17 - Jan. 13, 2012, 10:31 p.m.
Blizzard Post
It is against forum policy to call out other players and I'm going to extend the same to application developers (as most of them are players). Such behavior could result in administrative action. If you feel that some portion of the policy has been violated, please contact us through the api-support@blizzard.com email address.

Thank you Erorus for complying with the policy and providing the source code that engages the API.