Unchanged Azeroth after Cataclysm?

#0 - Aug. 5, 2010, 12:02 a.m.
Blizzard Post
People I know off-line who play WoW are having a fierce debate over what is going to happen to the current Azeroth when Cataclysm is released. Some believe that Blizzard announced that it would disappear, be unavailable, be unplayable to anyone, when they said that "The changes will be made available to all players regardless of expansion purchase. " Others believe that means players will have the option of playing in either the old Azeroth or the new post-cataclysm Azeroth.

Does anyone know which is correct?
#9 - Aug. 5, 2010, 10:08 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The ripples of the Cataclysm will be far-reaching, leaving the face of Azeroth forever changed for all players. So, when we say "[...] changes will be made available to all players regardless of expansion purchase," we simply mean that, even if one does not elect to upgrade their account to World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, he or she will be still able to experience new content—including, but not limited to, the revamped zones of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. The option to continue playing in "old" Azeroth will not be provided.

Of course, certain content will only be available to those who have purchased the expansion, and we'll be able to share more details on that at a later date. :)
#17 - Aug. 6, 2010, 12:09 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
You guys planning on letting people fly in newer zones around azeroth? Like, the BE starting zones, the isle of quel'danas, and the draenei starting zones?

Not currently. Due to how infrequent visits to these areas are by players with Expert Riding or above, we still plan to restrict the use of flying mounts in TBC-specific starting zones (Eversong Woods, Ghostlands, Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle, etc).