What GC thinks of healers.

#0 - April 8, 2010, 6:05 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
You probably overhealed a lot because there is little consequence for overhealing.

We don't overheal a lot because there is little consequence for doing so, we overheal a lot because there are dire consequences for hesitating.


Repair costs.

Wasted time.

Angry raids.

Durrrpp you healz just spam spam spam no thought involved! you dont choose who to heal you just cast and randomly target!


Q u o t e:

Triage is one of the things missing from today's healing game. Loosely defined, triage is deciding who needs immediate attention (vs. who is stable vs. who is a lost cause). We want healers to make decisions like "The tank is wounded, but she is unlikely to die in the next few hits, and hots are ticking on her, so she's probably okay for a moment and I can heal this Ret paladin over here," vs. "The rogue is wounded, but my big heal would overheal for a ton and I need the mana, so I can use a small heal." We want the dps to likewise be thinking about ways to minimize damage on themselves, not because they'll die in a global (i.e. before they could respond anyway) but because the healers are going to risk running out of mana.
#43 - April 12, 2010, 12:32 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
so every fight will be like phase1 general vezax and all of gunship?

i love standing there and doing nothing. thanks GC!

Q u o t e:
I agree 100%. It is just psychologically unsatisifying to not even be able to keep a 5 man group topped off without going OOM. That's just not fun design for me, it just feels like crap, I can't believe they seriously intend it to be that way. :'(

We've never said anything of the sort. You must just be trying to get folks riled up. :)