Duels - What is ok and what is not

#1 - Sept. 25, 2006, 2 p.m.
Blizzard Post
1. A fortitude buff that you got from one of your friends. No
2. A selfbuff that you got from cooking giving you perhaps 25 extra stamina. No.
3. A selfbuff that you got from an item that you have accuired. No.
4. Vanish/Blind/dodge etc cooldowns Yes.
5. Trinkets with cooldowns. Yes.
6. Poisoning your weapons. Yes.
7. Using a healthpotion. No.
8. Using thistletea. No.
9. Bandage yourself. Yes.
10. Using a hackprogram making you invulnerable. Sure, why not.
11. Using an invulnerability potion. No.
12. Stealth. Yes.
13. Stunlocking. Yes.
14. Using engineering tools. No.
15. Follow your opponent before the duels starts so he cant stealth. No
16. Kite someone. Yes.
17. Begin casting a spell before the battlestarts like warlocks stealth or hunters frosttrap. Yes.

In short, you can only use class/racial specific abilitys. I.e. If you are a Warlock, you can use Healthstone, or if you are a Priest, you can use Power Word: Fortitude, and Inner Fire.
#13 - Sept. 25, 2006, 3:05 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I personally agree with the ones that say that anything goes. Why make up specific rules? Everyone won't agree anyways. Better to just let people play the way they want and then analyze the duel yourself afterwards.

If you lose a duel to an opponent with full buffs, that used potions and 30 min cooldowns, well maybe it isn't something to lose sleep over.