Cross Realm Real ID Dungeons

#1 - May 18, 2011, 5:40 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Is there any plan to possibly adapt this system to allow players to raid with friends on another realm? I for one am already going to pay for this service but the addition of raiding with friends from other servers would persuade more people and also help them justify paying the extra fee.
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Community Manager
#2 - May 18, 2011, 6:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
The new cross-realm dungeon feature is still in its early development stages, so we don't have many details to share at this time beyond what was posted in the original announcement ( As that development process continues, though, we will absolutely do our utmost to provide you and other players who may have similar questions more information about this feature including its cost, accessibility, scope, and limitations.

In the meantime, we really appreciate your feedback and definitely encourage you to continue to share it with us. We're keeping a close eye on what you have to say -- whether it's in favor of or against the proposed dungeon feature -- both in one-off threads like this and ongoing discussions here:

We know many of you have strong opinions or ideas about this topic and just ask that you keep your feedback constructive, and -- if you can -- to try to post in those ongoing discussion whenever possible. :)