Whiptail respawn rate

#1 - Feb. 14, 2011, 6:41 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I do realize that before 4.0.6 the respawn rate on Whiptail was far too low, and I thank Blizzard for increasing it. But now (and I really don't mean to contribute to the wave of pointless complaints as of late, but I feel I must say something) I honestly believe the respawn is far too HIGH!!! Uldum is so incredibly populated with farmers now that the respawn is on an almost instant timer. Gathering Whiptail is so easy even with the massive amount of people that the price of it has decreased well over 50% and still going down.

Also another issue brought about by this insane respawn rate is the people using bots to farm. I really don't have any hard proof for it, but I'm sure it's something that is under investigation by our realm GM's.

Any opinions by fellow herbalists on this matter?
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#8 - Feb. 14, 2011, 6:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I do realize that before 4.0.6 the respawn rate on Whiptail was far too low, and I thank Blizzard for increasing it. But now (and I really don't mean to contribute to the wave of pointless complaints as of late, but I feel I must say something) I honestly believe the respawn is far too HIGH!!! Uldum is so incredibly populated with farmers now that the respawn is on an almost instant timer. Gathering Whiptail is so easy even with the massive amount of people that the price of it has decreased well over 50% and still going down.

Also another issue brought about by this insane respawn rate is the people using bots to farm. I really don't have any hard proof for it, but I'm sure it's something that is under investigation by our realm GM's.

Any opinions by fellow herbalists on this matter?

We're aware of this and taking a look at the respawn rates.
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#16 - Feb. 14, 2011, 6:53 p.m.
Blizzard Post
02/14/2011 10:49 AMPosted by Romara
We're aware of this and taking a look at the respawn rates.

Incoming knee jerk herb nerf. There won't be an herb to be found after tomorrows maintenance...

Too much pessimism for a Monday. :)
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#106 - Feb. 14, 2011, 9:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post

Dear Ms. Neth,

Could you please have the devs look at the Twilight Jasmine rate/density while looking into the whiptail/heartblossom issue? Ever since the nerf to herbs shortly after release, the node density is to sparse and the respawn time is probably too high for the amount of people farming in Twilight Highlands.

Happy Valentines Day,

Camillia :)

There was no nerf after release, but there (I believe) was an issue with herbs being in different phases than you so thus the sparseness. I also believe that this was corrected. But, I can definitely ask about Twilight Jasmine.