WoW has died...

#0 - June 19, 2008, 5:26 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Blizzard has slowly but surely ruined this game I once loved to play. If they are going to eventually make everything easy why did they make it a challenge in the first place. Ever since they discontinued bg ranks and took the eliteness out of the game it has gone straight downhill. There seems to be no more individualism, nothing to set apart uour character from anyone elses who plays your class. Now with them decreasing the mount req to 30!?!?!? Com on Blizz, stop trying to cater to a small new audience and satisfy your old one. All I'm sayin is I miss the days when there was only one Grand Marshal's sword per realm.
#4 - June 19, 2008, 5:32 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Allowing players to purchase and ride mounts at level 30 does not at all diminish your prior accomplishments in my eye sockets, Ithnin.
#14 - June 19, 2008, 5:37 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
So do we all get a refund for the mount skill we paid 75g for?

Allowing players to purchase and ride mounts at level 30 does not at all diminish your prior accomplishments in my eye sockets, Tresleches.
#52 - June 19, 2008, 6 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
The problem is by doing this they are catering to the larger audience. WoW's uniqueness in the MMORPG world has always been that it was able to draw in more than your standard gaming population. How many couples, females, elderly, or families play this game together that would have rarely touched most other games? Sure, there are also the standard gamers, the kids, young-middle aged males, etc, but of those there are also several that enjoy the game in a different manner.

To me, to you, and to a few others on these forums the experience of playing a new character, taking in the sights as you level even if you've done so before, and having a feeling of accomplishment in achieving things as a result of our endeavors is what makes the game fun. To then cheapen the effect by lowering levels and increasing speeds seems like blasphemy to this point of view. The game we once knew and loved seems to be slipping away.

But to the majority it has just become faster and easier to get to 70. They care not for any sense of immersion that the game might be losing, only about their relative enjoyment. If Blizzard introduced a means of teleporting by clicking on a spot on your map, I'm sure some of these same people would cry out. But I fear most would simply rejoice their newest boon as the game heralds its own fall.

I'm not sure why you would think that the game you "once knew and loved seems to be slipping away." I'd say it's evolving. You're right, leveling has been continually made slightly easier and faster in the last months. From our perspective though the sense of immersion and entertainment has in no way been diminished.

I have a new alt in the 40's right now. The main feeling I have while leveling is that it's going so much more quickly than the first time I leveled. This is partially just a result of game experience, but also due to the recent experience changes. The fun of the game for me hasn't changed.

We've released a new expansion already with one just on the horizon. Sometimes retrospective adjustments will be made in lieu of new features and higher obtainable levels. If a brand new player were to roll his or her first character just post 2.4.3, sure, he'd get his first mount ten levels earlier than you did; however, he also has ten (soon twenty) more levels to climb to hit the end-game. This isn't to say you aren't on the same climb, but 1-60 may not seem as daunting as 1-80.

Changes such as this are not meant to diminish the sense of fun, accomplishment, or immersion for anyone leveling a new character. They are, however, good opportunities to help players who wish to start fresh on a new character.

Q u o t e:

Your poorly worded response has nothing to do with what I said. So what if Northrend greens will be better. WoTLK isn't out yet and people still want upgrades. By nerfing the content now they are going to ruin any sort of challenge until the xpac.

While the same basic premise for your concerns have a common bond with those presented in this thread, let's not confuse subjects. This thread is not about the reduced difficulty of any end-game content; this is specifically about recent leveling changes and the lowered mount level requirements.
#71 - June 19, 2008, 6:16 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
I'm hoping this applies for locks and pallies too hehe.

It does. ;)

Q u o t e:
Sorry blue I believe the thread is called WoW has died... this would include all the reasons why WoW sucks not just level 30 mounts which doesn't matter at all other then its another direct example of how stupid Blizzard is.

Very well. Thank you for throwing your feedback into the discussion.