All Tanks under 23k HP kicked out of heroics

#0 - Dec. 14, 2008, 3:08 p.m.
Blizzard Post
You have been avenged.

Yes, what I did was mean, soulless and downright evil. And I'm damn proud of it.

One of my guildies, a tank with 21k HP unbuffed, but crit immune and properly gemmed/enchanted tried to get a timed Strat run going with a PuG. The healer was another guildie. Both of them did the timed event the day before with a different set of PuG DpS, and it went fine. Now, both of them got a few DpS and they were ready to go. For some reason, leadership ended up with one of the DpS. The DpS promptly kicked my friend for: 'Sry m8, 2 low hp, u ned 25k 4 timed'.

This of course, infuriated both the healer and the kicked tank, so I came up with a plan. I told the healer to tell the leader to invite me. (Me having better gear, and also the magical 25k hp that would supposedly allow the completion of the timed event.)

We got in, started the event, went fine, got to the third boss with 10 mins left on the clock. Everyone was ecstatic because we would get in time for the drake. During the speech, I told my healer friend to Heartstone, then I pulled the boss and bubble/heartstoned.

The verbal abuse and subsequent QQ in whispers was hilarious.

Next time when you kick a tank, remember. Tanks unite. Piss one off, and they will bite you back tenfold.
#125 - Sept. 2, 2009, 5:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post
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