Excellent LFD tool with reasonable functionin

#0 - Jan. 2, 2010, 3:43 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hello, on my tanking alt, i can tank H FOS without any trouble, the LFD system is working as intended and feel it is a good system.

Edit: changed title and orginal post from "i can't tank H FOS with my stats" to "i can tank H FOS" as a result of having tank H FOS.
#6 - Jan. 2, 2010, 4:20 a.m.
Blizzard Post
The gear requirements are very generous. They are there more to make sure that somebody who has no idea what they are doing (say someone's first character who doesn't even know the dungeon names) doesn't get into one of the harder instances until they have a little more than quest blues.

If you're sophisticated enough to be posting on these forums, then you're sophisticated enough to know what tanking an Icecrown dungeon requires and whether you're up to the task.