Zandalari & Kul Tiran Allied Race Update

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#1 - Nov. 6, 2018, 9:47 p.m.
Blizzard Post
We’ve discovered two errors in our original communications regarding which classes would be available to the Kul Tiran and Zandalari Allied Races. We’re in the process of updating those communications now, but wanted to call your attention to two important corrections:

  • Warlock was incorrectly listed as an available option for Zandalari at the What’s Next panel at BlizzCon. The Zandalari have no connection to fel magic, and will not be able to be Warlocks.
  • Mage was incorrectly omitted as an available option for Kul Tirans in the panel and on the World of Warcraft website. While Kul Tiran Mages are relatively uncommon, there are a few prominent examples, and so Kul Tiran characters will be allowed to play as Mage.
    We apologize for the confusion that these errors have caused.
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    Community Manager
    #35 - Nov. 6, 2018, 9:58 p.m.
    Blizzard Post
    11/06/2018 01:51 PMPosted by Woodspath
    This wasn't an error in communication. You just realized after the fact that your judgment was a bit lacking and so you changed some things.

    This was simply what it is, an error. We posted one thing on the website and one thing in the slides at the panels. This was a misalignment on assets so we're correcting that now. It happens.
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    #43 - Nov. 6, 2018, 10:01 p.m.
    Blizzard Post
    11/06/2018 01:58 PMPosted by Lockies
    And what do you plan on doing to all the people who bought RACE CHANGES and then were told you cannot be the race you bought the race change for because blizzard made an OOPSIE?!

    I would ask why did you buy a race change for a race that isn't even playable yet? The follow up if you did is you can try ticketing in for a refund on that race change since you haven't used it yet.

    Again sorry for the inconvenience as this was a mistake on us.