Most annoying complaint about modern WoW?

#1 - June 1, 2018, 4:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
What really bugs you when people complain about modern WoW? What do you hate to hear when people are pointing out what they don't like about WoW?

This is not to suggest you should never complain about WoW, I'm just asking for what annoys you.
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#25 - June 1, 2018, 6:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post
For me the most annoying thing I hear is when people say the older talent trees were better and gave more choices when we all know it was really an illusion of choice given that for the most part was very cookie cutter. I do admit though that the good thing about them was it felt like you were continuously rewarded every level but the idea that they gave more "choice" wasn't really accurate given how it naturally filtered into set builds. I firmly believe that the modern talent trees are better in the since that your choices do feel very impactful and they overall give you far more utility than the original trees did. Being able to adjust my toolkit slightly to fill a certain niche feels really good when it does happen and its something that I feel very engaged on trying to figure out.

Just an extra note this is a good thread but lets try to keep it civil here and avoid the name calling.
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#57 - June 1, 2018, 7:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
06/01/2018 11:31 AMPosted by Jayjujayme
Yes, I do agree with you, to a point. For PvE, you betcha.

I didn't PvP that much until after the talent revamp so you might be right in that you could create some quirky builds that were fun.

06/01/2018 11:44 AMPosted by Xenlea
If the early talent trees weren't impactful then why were there "set builds" using them?

While I implied it I didn't directly say that, however you can have set builds and still feel like the decisions you're making aren't that impactful as a whole. It becomes more of a situation of "these builds work so you pretty much have to do this as anything else isn't as viable". Versus me deciding to change up a choice of say what kind of Beacon talent to use (I know they aren't all like this but its an example).

06/01/2018 11:46 AMPosted by Kirela
I do miss having actual points to spend in talents (not necessarily having so many talents themselves) to make an ability stronger.

Yeah that is the only thing I actually miss about them. It was nice feeling like you were continually rewarded even though it majority of the time was something simple like "2% more Shadow Word: Pain damage" or "1% more Stamina" >.>