Blizzard have to do somthing about it!

#1 - May 24, 2018, 1:41 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Well, I had this guy <edit> swearing my old mother with the worst swear words because we lost Randome BG and I was one of the 2 healers ... i was not talking or complaining or anything,,, just had a lost to a premade one before that and i was getting targettet just like the game before in this game.. anyhow even if i am the worse player dosnt give him the right to talk in that manner about my love ones ore me ! i have reported the chocking sentence he wrote just at the end of the game.. i hope i se som respect from blizzard and this guy gets banned for the behavior like that so he can learn somthing , Now his parents have not teach him how to be polite!"

<more edit>
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#7 - May 24, 2018, 8:38 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey Hïtman,

Please report this player in-game and the game masters will make sure to take the appropriate actions.

Also please do not name and shame in the forums here, as it is against the rules. For this reason I had to edit your post a bit.