Follow a leader.

#1 - May 17, 2018, 5:28 a.m.
Blizzard Post
I've seen almost in-numerable threads on the forum, where Alliance players say they can't stand Anduin, and Horde players saying they want to kill Sylv off.

There are quite a number of faction leaders in WoW, so how about letting us 'follow a leader'.

We pick up a quest and choose which leader to follow. During the course of the 'story' we get various quests and missions to complete, each with their own specific faction related rewards.

We also pick up rep with that leader. At exalted, which is only reached at the conclusion of the 'story', we get a reward and a title presented to us by the leader as gratitude for our 'loyalty' and 'service'.
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#8 - May 17, 2018, 8:23 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Gul'dan all the way... Just wants to live in peace with our friends from the Twisting Nether! :-P