WoW isn't accepting of new players

#1 - April 16, 2018, 6:25 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I came here to complain because I've been trying to teach my girlfriend to play World of Warcraft. She is brand new to the game and every time we join an instance, I tell them that she is new and she is still trying to figure out how to play. Yet the people just ignore me and vote to kick her with insulting terms such as 'Noob' or 'Moron'. I remember playing back in The Burning Crusade and back then, the community was helpful. People were actually pleasant back then, but now people are just straight up rude.

From the leveling process through instances, it doesn't seem possible for new players. No one is understanding that some people still have to learn because they themselves have done it a thousand times. I fear that with more experiences like this, it will hinder the experience of the game for her.

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#22 - April 16, 2018, 6:48 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I think the suggestions here are good - personally, I'd recommend trying to find a guild on your server that's welcoming to new players. Depending on your server, there's likely a few for both factions, but start by asking around in Trade Chat or checking the Guild Finder

That's probably a good starting point, as I'm sure you can get folks from a friendly guild to run dungeons and such with you guys, with the understanding that she's learning the books still.

Maybe you had an unfortunate encounter, but I would also recommend just giving it another go - there's tons of guides online, as well as the dungeon journal in game, which can also help ease any dungeon learning curve.

From my time spent in dungeons, letting the group know that you're new or haven't done a particular dungeon ahead of time has almost always gone over fine. It really depends on how you're going about this; a quick "Hey guys, first time here, let me know if I need to know anything!" normally goes well.

A question to you - what class is she playing, and what role? If she's taking the mantle of tank or healer, she may have a harder time earning that "new-player acceptance" when playing a role that is more necessary to lead the group through the dungeon experience.

Edit: You could also go the route of not telling people, as others suggested, and see how that goes. :)
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#29 - April 16, 2018, 6:58 p.m.
Blizzard Post
04/16/2018 11:52 AMPosted by Zarhaiel
i mean you could always level through questing, and not waste other people's time.
That's a very, very poor attitude to have, and probably something that contributes to OPs experience.

We were all new to the genre at some point, and this kind of attitude doesn't help new players feel welcome.