Aman'Thul's Vision - Personal?

#1 - Oct. 14, 2017, 7:02 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Since it's been datamined that the arcano 2.0 will be a legendary, will the loot be personal or will it be able to be distributed under master loot?

I can see this causing some drama issues, but really we are trying to figure out how we are going to distribute these new trinkets in raid. The way these proc has really thrown a wrench into our optimization.
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#5 - Oct. 16, 2017, 7:49 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey guys,

A slightly different discussion here, but just popping in with a note that the secondary Equip effect on the Antorus trinkets that note "When empowered by the Pantheon...", such as 'Aman'Thul's Grandeur' on Aman'Thul's Vision or 'Khaz'goroth's Shaping' on Khaz'goroth's Courage will only function within the Antorus raid once it is live.

Currently on the PTR this effect works outside of the raid, but its worthwhile to offer some clarification so there's no confusion once the raid itself is live.

If you have any questions on this, let me know!
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#13 - Oct. 16, 2017, 9:40 p.m.
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10/16/2017 01:27 PMPosted by Exotath
10/16/2017 01:16 PMPosted by AkeelĂ 
Well since you cant have 6 people in M+.... id say no.

Ah, wasn't aware all 6 were needed for the proc trigger. Thanks for clearing that up snarky pants.

While it won't function in Mythic+ we did change the six requirement so you only need four unique buffs to trigger the Pantheon secondary proc inside Antorus. You can have any possible combination of the unique five to activate this additional proc. Aman'Thul's Vision ignores the rule as a "wildcard" filling any gap that you might be missing from the other five.

So for example you can have two Aman'Thul's and two of the other uniques and it will trigger the Pantheon proc.

Keep in mind we're still tweaking and making changes to the trinkets so please keep voicing your feedback about it :)
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#18 - Oct. 16, 2017, 9:59 p.m.
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10/16/2017 02:49 PMPosted by Archimtiros
10/16/2017 02:40 PMPosted by Ythisens
While it won't function in Mythic+ we did change the six requirement so you only need four unique buffs to trigger the Pantheon secondary proc inside Antorus. You can have any possible combination of the unique five to activate this additional proc. Aman'Thul's Vision ignores the rule as a "wildcard" filling any gap that you might be missing from the other five.

So for example you can have two Aman'Thul's and two of the other uniques and it will trigger the Pantheon proc.

Keep in mind we're still tweaking and making changes to the trinkets so please keep voicing your feedback about it :)

I'd like to point out that Aman'Thuls does not function this way currently on the PTR, the only thing special is its starting ilevel. Only four Pantheon trinket procs of any kind need to overlap to trigger empowerment. I've tested this multiple times, using various combinations as well as four of the same trinket.

Here's a log using all Khaz'goroth's Courage (Str) to trigger empowerment:

I'd love clarification on whether or not this is intentional though.

Currently all of the trinkets on PTR behave like Aman'Thul's Vision does in the Pantheon proc but will be changed to be unique before it goes live, other than Aman'Thul's which will stay as a wild card.

Still as always subject to change but that's the current plan.
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#23 - Oct. 16, 2017, 10:12 p.m.
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10/16/2017 03:00 PMPosted by Thecheat
Is Aman'thul's intended to only have an Intellect proc as its secondary empowerment? Considering the value of any variant of Arcanocrystal to more than just Intellect classes, this seems like a massive oversight.

That might be a tooltip issue either on the PTR or on your client side but it should change depending on whatever your primary stat is.

As much as a Warrior might like to be smarter with that proc it just wouldn't exactly help.

If you're getting the buff as Intellect please let us know so we can get that fixed!