Upcoming Change to Argus Waystones and Invasion Points

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#1 - Sept. 8, 2017, 7:26 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey all,

I wanted to give you a heads up that we are currently testing a hotfix aimed at addressing some player concerns with Argus Waystones and Invasion Points.

First, will be removing the Argus Waystone currency entirely. Players who currently have Argus Waystones will be compensated with a small amount of Veiled Argunite.

The weekly quests that previously required Argus Waystones will now require players to simply complete three Invasion Points.

We will also be increasing the cap on Veiled Argunite to 2,000 from 1,500, to make sure there are no issues with any of these changes - this will also act as a small quality of life increase for those of you seeing yourselves at the currency cap.

Thanks for all your feedback so far on Invasion Points, and we'll see you on Argus!
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Community Manager
#26 - Sept. 8, 2017, 10:56 p.m.
Blizzard Post
09/08/2017 02:57 PMPosted by Tamiller
I have several alts who have made progress towards 15 waystones, but aren't quite there yet. I'm one invasion away on some of them. I really hope that when the fix gets pushed, I don't get my progress reset to doing 3 more, on every alt...

Can we get some warning when the fix will be pushed, so people in my position have time to get their quest in before losing all the progress they'd made? Or, just push the fix at the weekly reset?
We're working to hotfix this with weekly resets on September 12.