Legion Assaults Removed from Pathfinder

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Community Manager
#1 - April 6, 2017, 2:06 a.m.
Blizzard Post
We’ve heard a lot of feedback and it’s clear to us that the cyclical Assaults schedule, and the design of the “do all 4” achievement for Pathfinder, weren’t compatible.

World Quests come and go all the time during the day too, while people are at work or asleep, and it’s not a big deal because they’re largely interchangeable. But that would change if we had an achievement required for Pathfinder that asked you to do a specific checklist of world quests. A lot of the stress and concern about “missing” individual Assaults is tied to this achievement, so we’re removing the achievement from Pathfinder via hotfix.

Once this hotfix is active, you will only need to reach Revered with the Armies of Legionfall and fully explore the Broken Shore to earn Legion flying.
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Community Manager
#20 - April 6, 2017, 9:19 a.m.
Blizzard Post
A little bit of developer insight, as to why they are hesitant to extend the duration of invasions, was provided with the latest batch of hotfixes:

Developers’ notes: The rotating Legion Assault schedule is designed to have them active at varying times of day over the course of a given week, to accommodate different work schedules and available free time. We're hesitant to have an Assault last for too long, because they stomp on the entire World Quest content of a given zone for the duration, potentially leaving players with nothing to do there once the Assault is complete. But this design doesn't mesh well with an important achievement that requires completion of all four zones - if anything, it causes stress over scheduling and potentially missing specific zones during the cycle. The Defender achievement was never intended to be a major obstacle on the path to flight in the Broken Isles; its inclusion was more for thematic purposes and completeness. As such, we're removing it from the meta-achievement required to unlock flying.