Unholy dps...help plz

#0 - Jan. 6, 2010, 11:09 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Ok so today i was tlking with a buddy of mine about dps as a dk and i told him i used blood dps...(respeced this aftrnoon to unholy..hence this post) and he said tht unholy dps is op and all this and asked me my dps numbers and he told me numbers doubled of mine. and so i looked up his toon and his spec and changed...so i did some digging on the rotation and i tryed it today in a herico and it sucked! someone plz give me the rotation so i can make sure im using the right one. im in the middle of changing glyhs and all tht ovr to wht hes got im really aftr is the rotation cuz im not sure if im using the right one. so if anyone can help me tht would b great
#5 - Jan. 7, 2010, 12:31 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

thanks....tht really did help. my rotation is close to tht so ill change it and see wht happens

I'd recommend going and experimenting with it on a test dummy for a bit to get more of a feel of how the sustained Unholy DPS works. It's not a bad idea to try your AOE rotation on a pack of dummies either. Judging by your Heroic dungeon damage can be a bit misleading since an Unholy death knight tends to excel more in sustained DPS and AOE than immediate burst damage or burst AOE. If you're in a group that's putting out a lot of damage and clearing trash very quickly, you're not going to get a sense of how your rotation performs when you can't even get through the first half of it before something is dead. It takes a bit of playing around with the rotation to learn how to keep your DPS up in a fast-paced group killing trash quickly.
#11 - Jan. 7, 2010, 12:46 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Oh and one more thing.

Change all but one of your sockets to Bold Cardinal Ruby, change your meta to Relentless Earthsiege Diamond, and put one Nightmare Tear in your helm.

Don't gem AP, you benefit much more from Strength, and you don't have to follow socket colors.

I originally was using the Chaotic Skyfire Diamond, but eventually diverted to this method as well. The slight replacement in gems actually made a noticeable difference.