Scheduled Realm Maintenance - 03/23/2010

#0 - March 23, 2010, 8:20 p.m.
Blizzard Post
UPDATE, 11:15am PDT:

Q u o t e:
We’re currently in the final processes of the scheduled maintenance but have identified an issue that needs to be resolved before bringing the realms online. We’re now extending the maintenance window and will provide another update by 12:30 PM PDT, or as soon as the realms are available.

Thank you,

Blizzard Entertainment



Good Tuesday morning, everyone, and welcome to Scheduled Realm Maintenance: the Patch Edition!

From our Service Status Forum:
Q u o t e:
We will be performing scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, March 23rd. Maintenance will begin at 3:00 AM PDT and conclude at approximately 11:00 AM PDT. During this time, all realms and many web services will be unavailable.

Thank you for your patience.

As a reminder! While Tuesday maintenance may briefly interrupt your regularly-scheduled pro-gaming, it is an excellent time to focus on account security. Be sure to complete any OS, web browser, or software updates and then run your suite of anti-malware programs.

You may also want to use this time to prep your UI for the new patch. This includes ensuring that all installed AddOns are up-to-date and, most importantly, compatible with the latest client. For the smoothest experience possible, though, fully resetting your UI is recommended, as this can eliminate many display and data corruption issues. To learn more about this process, check out our "how to" article here:

And last, but certainly not least, here's your Tuesday Recommended Reading List:

Thank you, and welcome to patch 3.3.3!


Note: All time frames listed are estimated and noted in PDT (Pacific Daylight Time). If you do not live on the west coast of North America, please make the appropriate adjustments based on your local time zone.

For ease of reference, here's a list of several common time zones and their current relationship to PDT:

    HST = PDT - 3 hours
    MDT = PDT + 1 hour
    CDT = PDT + 2 hours
    EDT = PDT + 3 hours
    ADT = PDT + 4 hours
    Newfoundland = PDT + 4.5 hours
    GMT = PDT + 7 hours
    AEDT = PDT + 18 hours

If your local time zone isn't noted above, don't worry! There's many free time zone converters available online. :)
#4 - March 23, 2010, 8:35 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:

Is this a hint that it might be patch day?

Awesome reason. You must be a parent. ;)

Heheh, why yes, yes I am - soon to be a grandma as a matter of fact!


Stop lookin at me like that.
#40 - March 23, 2010, 6:15 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hey, folks! Since 11:00 AM PDT draws near, I just want to drop the following kind reminder:

All time frames listed are estimated and noted in PDT (Pacific Daylight Time). If you do not live on the west coast of North America, please make the appropriate adjustments based on your local time zone.

For ease of reference, here's a list of several common time zones and their current relationship to PDT:
    HST = PDT - 3 hours
    MDT = PDT + 1 hour
    CDT = PDT + 2 hours
    EDT = PDT + 3 hours
    ADT = PDT + 4 hours
    Newfoundland = PDT + 4.5 hours
    GMT = PDT + 7 hours
    AEDT = PDT + 18 hours

If your local time zone isn't noted above, don't worry! There's many free time zone converters available online. :)
#347 - March 23, 2010, 8:59 p.m.
Blizzard Post
All realms are now live. We're aware of the issues affecting Mal'Ganis, however, and will provide further updates here: