Most commonly used Addons.

#0 - Jan. 9, 2008, 8:08 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Firstly, hello. And secondly, this is not orginally written by me, but by Vanessa. I take no credit for this. Although from now on I'll be the one updating things whenever possible. I will also be adding things from time to time from either my own or yours experience, so let me know if you know anything nice that isn't on this list. As it orginally was written a few months ago. Some links might be broken and/or not valid anymore, report them please.

Also, my knowledge of addons is restricted, though I'm not new to it and have some experience with it, so I hope I will be able to assist anyone with any troubles in most cases. If though I fail, I'm sure there will always be someone else willing to help. :)

Everything under this sentence is written by Vanéssa. <3 to you :)

Hello all, this is a post regarding the most commonly used addons, it is thought to be an easy way of comparing these addons to find what just you need. The thread contains a small description of the addon as well as one or more screenshots of them ingame. Note that some addons may be configured endlessly to achieve different layouts and/or functions, so don’t judge an addon simply by the screenshot provided. Also note that I’ve put the addons in an alphabetic order, so the order has nothing to do with either the popularity of the addon or my own thoughts about the addon. You can get a deeper knowledge and see more screenshots of the addons by pressing the link after “Online Information” in most cases. If you happen to notice any errors or you feel that an addon has/is wrong description/screenshot/missing, please post a reply telling me so.

Information that can be good to know while reading this:
“Ace2” -

I had “FuBar” and “DeuceCommander” active while taking most of the screenshots to simplify the limited configuration I did with the “Ace2” addons. I also used “Bartender3” to hide the action bars.

“HUD” is an abbreviation of “Heads Up Display”

“MT” or “Main Tank” -

“HoT” -

“DoT” -

”Tooltip” -

"DKP" -


1.1 - Unit frame addons
1.2 - Bar addons
1.2.1 - Extras
1.3 - Bag addons
1.4 - Damage meter addons
1.5 - HUD addons
1.6 - Raid frame addons
1.6.1 - Extra Information
1.7 - Casting bar addons
1.8 - Various addons
1.9 - DKP addons
1.10 - Chat addons
1.10.1 - Extras

1.1) Unit frame addons:

ag_UnitFrames – Download: - Online information: - Screenshot: (Note that I’m using different layouts of the “modules” to show the configuration possibilities) – Information: Unit frame addon using Ace2, which provides you with a highly customizable unit frames. (Note that the Screenshot only shows one of many possible layouts, also note that more layouts is downloadable)

CT_UnitFrames – Download and get online information here: - Screenshot: – Information: Adds options for displaying health and mana on the Player Frame, Target Frame, Party Frame and the Target of Target frame, as well as giving you the possibility to move the frames.

DiscordUnitFrames – Download: (Note thou that this addon isn’t updated by it’s original author at this time, so to get a working version you’ll have to visit ) – Online information: – Screenshot: Configuration mode: (Note that this is just one of the possible layouts possible to create/download) – Information:
Each frame is divided into many separate, individually configurable elements that you can tweak to your desire. There are 10 boxes for text in which you can place variables to display just about any info on a unit that the UI allows in addition to the standard health bar, mana bar, icons, and portrait. Each can be moved while still remaining attached to its base frame, resized, recoloured, made translucent, set to show on mouse over, and a lot more.

Perl Classic Unit Frames – Download and get online information here: - Screenshot: – Information: It has been a high priority to maintain the look and feel of the original “Perl” addon while expanding functionality. The mod has been recoded for performance and is built around the Blizzard UI usage of events. It provides basic game information in a clean and easy to read format.

PitBull – Download: - Online information: - Screenshot: Configuration mode: (Note that this is just one of the possible layouts possible to create/download) – Information: The addon is a modular, lightweight, and efficient framework for creating unit frames. It is based on Ace2 and other libraries of the Ace community. It offers a high possibility of configuration of each frame and text box.

Sage Unitframes – Download and get online information here: - Screenshot: – Information: This addon is a minimalistic, lightweight unit frame replacement designed to require minimal configuration. The idea with this addon is to make it as simple as possible both in configuration and usage.

Satrina Unit Frames 2 – Download and get online information here: - Screenshot: Configuration mode: – Information: These unit frames remove (almost) all status bars, replacing them with compact unit frames with no portrait. All of the individual frames are moveable.

SimpleUnitFrames – Download: - Online information: - Screenshot: – Information: Various tweaks to the Blizzard default unit frames.

StellarUF – Download: - Online information: - Screenshot: – Information: A custom Ace2 unit frames addon that is based on the authors old “Discord” layout. One of its main goals is to cram as much info in a given space, especially for the target frame. It was made to be robust and easily manageable.

X-Perl UnitFrames – Download and get online information: - Screenshot: Configuration mode: – Information: A complete replacement for Blizzard's default unit frames, including raid frames and raid tools, such as MT (main tank) list, a “assisting players window” and more. It also includes an “Item Check”, which basically is an active scanner to check raid member's equipment for the item selected. This makes it quick and easy to be sure that people actually have the item worn, without having to go round single target inspecting everyone. The addon is written to work together with other addons such as “MobInfo-2 / MobHealth3”, “DruidBar”, “Clique”, “CT_RaidAssist” and “oRA2”.
#16 - Jan. 10, 2008, 1:33 p.m.
Blizzard Post
This thread is super useful... very nice :-)

Adding it to the UI Sticky compilation thread: