Background Downloader FAQ MKII

#0 - Nov. 24, 2006, 2:36 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I have come across a few questions from people that seem a little confused by this whole background downloader thing, so instead of flaming I thought I would try and help out.

Please feel free to add any new questions you think could help people out and I will add them.

Thank you.


First of all I will just say this simple thing to stop all this arguing;

You have no point for any argument about the downloader function other than the folder mishap which has already been talked about and will be fixed this week. Any disscussion or argument behond that hold no water what so ever, you all have the option to switch the downloader off and not use it.


Q. What is the Background downloader used for?

The back ground downloder downloads the parts of the future patch that is complete, so you have a quicker time on patch day.

Example: The next patch is going to be 1300mb, 650mb of this patch is finished, so they release 650mb of it on a slow download rate so that on patch day you have only 650mb to download at full speed and not 1300mb.

Q. How do I know that the downloader is working? There does not seem to be anything to say it is working!

It is an icon down on the bottom right hand corner of you desktop, you may have a little arrow pointing right, but if you press it, it will uncover the little blizzard downloader icon, that means that it is working.

If you left click the icon you can see the progress of the download, minimizing the downloader will put it back down in the bottom right hand corner again.

Q. Why is the download rate so slow? Or seemed to have stopped

You may notice that the background downloader is downloading very slowly or that the percentage downloaded is not moving. This is the intended functionality of the background downloader as it is meant to run for extended lengths of time at a slow speed so as not to impact performance.


Q. Do I have to have this download complete to play the game now?

No this is part of a patch for a FUTURE patch, you can play the game without complication at all.

Q. Will I have to have this patch to run the game in the future?

Yes you will need to download this patch in the near future. You will end up downloading this file whether you do it now or wait for the whole thing on patch day.

Q. I don't want to wait for it to download slowly, is there anything I can do?

You can use your own BitTorrent Client.
The BGDL saves the 'BackgroundDownload.torrent' file in the subdirectory \Cache\ in your WoW Diretory.
It's much faster that way, and you can seed with way more upload.


Q. This patch file is not being downloaded into the WoW file, what can I do?

We are aware that the background downloader is currently delivering data to the desktop of some players. Early next week we will deploy a tools patch which will move any data delivered to the desktop to the proper location.

We recommend that you do not move the data yourself, but allow us to move it for you during our next tools patch. Otherwise, the background downloader will fail to find the data, and begin background downloading the data again.

If, for whatever reason, you must move the data, please contact our technical support team first. There are a number of steps that you will need to take in order to successfully move the data and prevent future problems.


Q. My downloader has completed the download but has now started again from the start, what the hell is going on?

We are aware that a few players are currently experiencing a problem where the Tools Patch triggered by the Launcher does not complete successfully. The patching process gets stuck in a loop where the Launcher continually triggers a Tools Patch which can never complete, and never launches the game. If you are currently experiencing this problem, you may delete your backup.mpq file. Once the file is deleted, the problem should be resolved. You can find this file in the data folder inside your World of Warcraft game folder (default C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Data\ ).


This is also true of downloads that have not completed. The downloader has been known to start another folder on your desktop, or if already downloading to your desk top, then it crates another file where it suposed to be in you WoW folder.

So what it does is download the patch into a file onto your desktop, then when it restarts it does not look for the the file in the same location, decides that it has not started it and creates a new folder and starts again.

Currnetly I have a folder on my desktop and in my WoW folder both 100% complete, and the downloader now seems happy that it is done, starnge eh? Blizzard did say though that they are working on a tool fix fr this problem and that the tool fix will, fix the problem and move your patch notes fro the desktop and into the WoW folder for you.

Q. Will this patch change anything in my game now?

NO, nothing in the game will change atall until patch day, when you will download the rest of this.

Q. I want more control over the background downloader, what are the options available to me?

How to Use the Background Downloader
In order to background download, you must use the Blizzard Launcher. From the Launcher, you can set your background-download preferences by clicking on the “Options” button. Here’s an explanation of the available options:

Download while playing; continue download after game exit.
Starts the Blizzard Downloader in background mode when you launch World of Warcraft. Download will continue until all of the available data has been received, even if you exit the game.

Download while playing; stop download upon game exit.

Starts the Blizzard Downloader in background mode when you launch World of Warcraft. The Downloader will continue running until you exit the game or until all of the available data has been received.

Download after game exit; stop download upon game re-launch.

Starts the Blizzard Downloader in background mode when you exit World of Warcraft. The Downloader will continue running until you launch the game again or until all of the available data has been received.

Do not download now.

Prevents any background download at this time. Note that this option is not recommended, as it will result in a significantly longer cumulative download time on patch day.

The default option for the Background Downloader is the second option listed above: download while you are playing the game, and stop downloading upon game exit.


Q. How can I tell that the downloader has completed, I was not around when it stopped?

Ok you are looking for this file: WoW-1.12.x-to-2.0.1-enGB-patch

This file may be on your desktop or it mabe in your WoW folder but it should contain the following after the download is complete:

MPQ file
36,697 kb

MPQ file
632,340 kb

Also in the last day or two there has ben a third

MPQ file
42,607 kb

You can also just run the downloader again to see if it downloads anymore, however since many people have the problem of the downloader stating again and creating a new folder somewhere else it will probably be better at this time to look inside the file, WoW-1.12.x-to-2.0.1-enGB-patch. This problem should be fixed now, with the mini tool fix we had, worked for me any way

On a side note, Iam almost certain that when the download is finished that the downloader stays on, with the cancel button now changed to "Finnished"


Q. I have now finsihed downloading the patch, it is on my desktop, so what do I do with it now?


We are aware that the background downloader is currently delivering data to the desktop of some players. Early next week we will deploy a tools patch which will move any data delivered to the desktop to the proper location.

We recommend that you do not move the data yourself, but allow us to move it for you during our next tools patch. Otherwise, the background downloader will fail to find the data, and begin background downloading the data again.

#5 - Nov. 24, 2006, 3:30 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Completly wrong and naughty bump, but then this might actually be something people might find useful out of all the crud.

Very very naughty ;p but useful information so it will be stickied for a while. Thanks :)