Recommended realms discussion

#0 - June 25, 2007, 2:45 p.m.
Blizzard Post
For some reason, and surely by mistake, the thread I responded to concerning Nagrand's Recommended tag was deleted. Please accept my apologies for that.

I've pasted my response below so people can continue discussions on the topic.


Nagrand will be losing the recommended tag this week, and is then expected to drop a little bit again. Current top candidates for the recommended tag among PvE realms are Ghostlands and Hellfire. The update should be done on Wednesday, so we'll see then.

Edit: and 3rd party sites tracking numbers are unreliable at best. Some of the numbers on those sites are plain silly, and most are simply incorrect. :p
#45 - June 25, 2007, 3:23 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Now don't take this wrong way but if the 3rd party programmes are silly and inaccurate how come it took a huge long thread with stats and numbers for Nagrand to lose it's "Recommended".

It didn't. It took our own numbers from this weekend to come in and be evaluated.

Q u o t e:
Edit: Did you accidentally also ban the guy who made the post? :P

Hm, I don't remember who started that thread, but if he got suspended for spamming or such his posts may have been nuked (all posts deleted). However, I think that should ignore threads with blue tags, though I'd have to look into that (and suggest it if it doesn't).

Q u o t e:
i am wondering whether gohstlands/hellfire are going to get bombarded with new characters over the next few weeks as nagrand has and prehaps it would be a good idea to give them both the recomended tag so people have more of a choice?

We aim to have the tag on at least 2 realms at a time to avoid one realm jumping very much up in population. Unfortunately Nagrand ended up being the only recommended PvE realm for a while, which is not supposed to happen and will be avoided as much as possible in the future.

Q u o t e:
Btw.. Making L1/L10 alts clearly works to fill the servers.. Who's with me?

Won't work. We don't look at the number of characters, but at the concurrency.
#47 - June 25, 2007, 3:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
As people are mentioning different realm types I figured I can at least say that any new realm(s) is/are much more likely to be PvE than PvP.
#144 - June 26, 2007, 8:13 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Sounds like a few people have turned this into their private Arena by now. At the risk of bereaving those of their daily dose of trolling and insults I'll close the thread and hope they can endure. If not, they can always start a new thread to have a go at each other, on another forum.

Thank you for your attention.