Talent Tree Creator [Beta], Updated :)

#0 - Dec. 5, 2006, 3:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
For those New to the topic, Due some problems at the host the site is currently unavailable (which is why the topic was bumped by worried users).

Original post:
So you want so show the community how the talent trees of you class should look? You can do so now!

In my free time I created a "small" tool that allows you to build your own talent trees. Now that I consider it (close to ) done I wish to share it with the community. Be mindful however, its still in beta, you may find it refuses to save something you worked for hours on...

You can find this tool at the following place:
Note - If you see a "This site is currently suspended" page, your DNS has not yet updated to the new DNS Info. Please give your DNS some time :)

Currently this is what needs to be added:
- A way to load the default talents for a class (this is high priority) [Done for druid / mage / warrior]
- A way to allows linking to talent builds
- A way to edit your tree once you saved it [Done]
- A Quick save to use while working
- A "Selected random icon" feature
- * Your suggestion goes here *

If you want to report a bug / give a suggestion / post a question / post a build - please post it in this topic (if possible save the Tree and link it here) or use the "contact" page on the website

Enjoy this tool!

Known issue:
[FIXED] - Having new lines in your description will prevent tree's from showing correct. (working on this as I speak)
[FIXED] - Using ' in the sometimes prevents the tree's from displaying (its saved correctly though)
#21 - Dec. 5, 2006, 8:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hahaha! This talent tree creator is actually quite fun... I have made some truly sick talent trees that would be seriously non-funny for anyone but hunters if they were actually implemented in the game :-)

I can see why this thing can be useful if you wish to illustrate ideas and suggestions, but I can imagine that quite a lot of people will use this for fun in much the same way as the blupp WoW item creator... And that is of course not a bad thing at all :-)
#24 - Dec. 5, 2006, 8:46 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Q u o t e:
Well press "save" and show us then :D

Hmm... Too late now :-(

I guess I have to make them again then :-)

Q u o t e:
I want people to have fun with it. If its because they can give feedback I'm happy, but if it's because they can make "PEWPEWYOUDIE" talents, well fine with me :).

Well I can only commend you on this project. I think it is great :-)

Q u o t e:
After all, WoW is intended for everyones enjoyment .

Indeed :-D