No Kodos for the Alliance(Not a Troll)

#0 - June 24, 2008, 4:39 a.m.
Blizzard Post

Q u o t e:
The decision was made to give Horde the Kodo and Alliance the Ram this year. I apologize if there were expectations that the Alliance would get a Horde mount; we were in discussions about this for a long time. I hope that you'll enjoy the holiday regardless.

No Kodo's for the Alliance it apears.
Also no Rams for the Hordies who missed out on them last year, so the guys who didnt get them are fooked aswell.

Dang, I do think its kinda unfair, I know a few Allies who were THRILLED for their Kodo. Poor guys gonna be very VERY dissapointed as one of them is a Mount Collector.
#22 - June 24, 2008, 9:30 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Yes as you can see it is true that this is the case for the PTR currently. The source post does mention the decision was not made lightly. And we do apologise for those who expected these mounts to be available freely to both factions.