We didnt forget the titles hello blizz?

#1 - Jan. 2, 2017, 10:34 a.m.
Blizzard Post
We are still waiting for titles maybe you guys think we forget but we are still waiting for u to fix this !@#$.
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#11 - Jan. 2, 2017, 5:24 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I can appreciate that everyone is anticipating more details, with many eager to show off their titles, but please keep in mind that we're coming out of the tail-end of the holiday season and a lot of the team have been out on vacation spending time with friends and family.

As soon as we have more details to share, we will share them with you - we haven't forgotten about this.
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#79 - Jan. 6, 2017, 9:57 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Posting the update from the US here for visibility

Each season, we reward titles to the players at the top of the 3v3 and RBG ladders based on the number of players we consider active in the bracket. For the last few seasons, we have only considered players active if they have a rating above 1000. For Legion Season 1, we made the mistake of also requiring players to have 50 wins to be considered. As a result, far fewer players were considered active than intended. Since rewards are a percentage of this set of people, we ended up giving out too few rewards, which in turn meant that many players received a lower-tier reward than they should have.

Fortunately, we have a plan in place that will allow us to fix the issue and grant rewards based on criteria we've used in previous seasons. Within the next few weeks, we will re-evaluate the ladder from Season 1 and redistribute rewards. When this occurs, you will either receive the same reward you have currently, or, in some cases, a higher-tier reward.
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#111 - Jan. 13, 2017, 10:16 a.m.
Blizzard Post
Just a quick update, we're still reviewing the accuracy of the data, but barring any unforeseen problems, we hope to re-distribute rewards at some point next week.