@Blizzard Staff Im Calling you Out

#1 - Oct. 24, 2016, 7:19 p.m.
Blizzard Post
I am Calling you out so people know how dishonest, and hollow your words are.
This post is dedicated to exposing your lies, hidden truths, and any other falsehood you pretend or attempt to implement in place to be directed at the community.

I leave it in your hands to decide how you wish to deal with this accordingly, Ie Be it that you will take the challenge and better yourselves, and just fix the issues the community is out crying about as you continiously ignore them.

Information you players need for how we designers do balance

It has been stated many times that the games balance largely evolves around the persons idea's and positions about what a class should or should not be. Blizzard has stated directly that class balance is largely built around this, and partially around metrics (data from when players play).

What They have not told you
[1] Metrics are interpreted and can be (and are) interpreted incorrectly.

[2] Metrics are full of false roads, and inaccurate or unmerited data. Knowting that player A does 1000 Dps with fireball on average does not put context on how or in what way that damage was collected, Thus invalidating the metrics.

[3] The Truth is the class design comes from a single individual, who likely obtains permission to make changes, or is the person in charge of changes being made. This means that any creative expression that person has is limited to a narrow one sided view about how a class should be played. It's important to recognize this when you stop and consider that some people are creative with specific aspects in life, and others not so much. And example of this can be found in art, when painting some people excel at a landscape while others (like Michangelo) Would excel at People, or entities.

[4] Most importantly your positions as players has no baring at all on what a class designer does. Most Specifically, your positions are there to let him (or her) know that your not happy about something. Just because you are unhappy about a broken rotation or ability/abilities does not mean that designer will change the ability.

[4b] In the end, most lazy and uncreative designers change numbers, not abiliies. This is why you have excessive repetition of some variation of + damage talents, instead of a full set of talents with abilities, because either the developer lacks creativity, or because he/she is lazy.

[5] Animations /graphics ugrades were posed as "big issues" when it came to reworks and upgrades for legion. Putting aside technically related issues like engine capabilities, graphics / spell animations in general are a releatively easy thing to create. Models as well are easily created and take very little time in the scope of development to create.

[6] In short, blizzard (and potentially other developers) in general does not care how you think a class should work or operate. They want numbers to be equal so they an make the claim the game is balanced. This is a fleeting position as absolute balance is absolutely wrong for a game. Any educated intelligent or experience designer would know this

[7] Don't fall for their "we are trying" because it consist of t hem changing a spreadsheet (Database) based on what server metris tells the (and some napkin math).
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#104 - Oct. 24, 2016, 9:16 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Argh, you got us. You've revealed the flaw in our dastardly plan to disappoint our players and make an absolute fool out of ourselves.

Back to the drawing board for us, I guess.

Edit: Number 3 made me chuckle.
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Community Manager
#125 - Oct. 24, 2016, 9:28 p.m.
Blizzard Post
10/24/2016 02:21 PMPosted by Amunari
10/24/2016 02:16 PMPosted by Ornyx
Argh, you got us. You've revealed the flaw in our dastardly plan to disappoint our players and make an absolute fool out of ourselves.

Back to the drawing board for us, I guess.

Edit: Number 3 made me chuckle.

Coming from the PR puppet, who has no understanding of game design beyond "tell the players everything will be ok", I wont mind to much about that reply.
From what I've learned about you in the past five minutes (as well as most of the folks in this thread as well, I'm sure), I can see how you might want to believe that. This forum really isn't an avenue for "armchair devs" to lay unfounded blame on our teams, and I won't allow it to become so.

Wishing you the best of luck with your ventures.


<<Everyone else: thanks for the laughs here. Happy Monday! :)>>