The Bloodcrazed Berserker - Fury 7.1.5 Guide

#1 - July 18, 2016, 1:32 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Hello I'm Greil and welcome to the 7.1.5 Legion Fury Guide, we've had a few changes since Warlords of Draenor to fit a berserker which has been captured quite well.

I'll be covering both basics for newcomers to the spec as well as a few more in depth details for the vets looking to improve in the following guide. This guide will also be ever changing due to consistent adjustments during the tuning phase in which will continue to occur from now and into a few weeks after Mythic Raids have been released before information really settles, so keep checking back as new info will be updated when I'm able to.

The main change for fury? 2h weaponry is our only choice, as Single Minded Fury is no more.

Please Note: Feel free to ask any questions if you need to clear up anything in regards to Fury. However if you do ask for assistance with DPS itself make sure to link a parse to a fight in which you were apart of which has been uploaded to as this will allow myself or other vets the ability to tell you exactly how you can improve otherwise we cannot help you.

With that said, on with the guide.


I - Talents and Stat Priority:

II - How to Play: Single Target / Area of Effect / Cooldowns:

III - Warswords of Valajar - Your Artifact and you:

IV - Consumables, Enchants, Gems and Racials:

V - Legiondaries and the Mechanics of Fury:

Recent Updates:

11/1/2017 - Updated Talents / Cooldown section to reflect changes to the 7.1.5 patch.
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#1 - Aug. 24, 2016, 1:27 p.m.
Blizzard Post
Please see source post at for detail.
#120 - Aug. 24, 2016, 1:12 a.m.
Blizzard Post
FYI - Stickied this and removed outdated guides from the sticky list. Enjoy!